About Us
Geva hasn’t carved anything on its flag, nor does it hold any motto as its guiding light.
What we do believe in, though, is getting up early in the morning, usually to train, and then continuing to do what we love.
What drives us is identifying unique land parcels, dreaming of their potential, and realizing it together with our partners. Along the way, there are plenty of challenges—most of them we know well because we have a lot of experience. As for the rest, we overcome them in the most creative ways possible. We’re efficient, lean, and agile. You won’t knock us off focus, no matter how hard you try.
We are 100% about maximizing our business and 100% loyal to the people who walk with us. When those two paths collide, we are 100% loyal to the people who walk with us.
Gilad likes to drink a protein shake at noon and doesn’t rest until every number in the business plan is perfectly aligned. Eran likes to drink whiskey at signings and can’t stand already-built buildings.

The Team

Gilad Roza
Responsible for everything that was and everything that is.
Eran Lev
Responsible for everything that will be.